Friday, January 18, 2008

"Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake."

"Next time don't eat the candles."

Today I realized my life is mind-numbingly dull. My sister-in-law Sariah told me that my myspace page is boring. Check out this link to my pathetic page;

I only have 2 friends (on myspace...), that must make me a dull, tedious, flat, uninteresting human being (Feel better Sariah?).

Really, there has not been a lot going on, my office moved to the new “U” tower in Providence Hospital, that was a PIA! (medical abbreviation) I came home grumpy and exhausted every night for a week or so…Niall has been in a snowboarding intensive for the last 2 weeks, and in order to keep his blood sugar high enough he had to eat a mini size candy bar every time he took the chairlift. What a rough life, snowboarding every day from 10-5…

Events in my life that have the potential for not being boring:

1. My chorus announced that they are planning a South American tour in the summer of 2009 or 2010 which means I would get to sing my way through Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. That would be so cool.

2. Folk Festival this weekend and next, I am going to a harmonizing workshop which should be amusing. It is a genre I am not used to; Appalachian singing.

3. February 9th Alan and I are hosting a commotion party.

On those notes, I would like to say Happy Birthday to my mother-in-law Sandy:
Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Belated Birthday to my cousins Gary and Ruth!

Karen, Carson, Jaydon, Kelcey and oh yeah…Joe, can’t wait to see you guys again! I promise I will make a huge spaghetti dinner for everyone ;)

1 comment:

Karen said...

I had no idea you had myspace. Either way, I requested you as a friend. We are really excited to see you guys, too! Hey, and Spaghetti sounds great! ;)